Building Blocks

The Elements of Successful Marketing

A successful marketing campaign needs to have ambitious but achievable short- and long-term goals, a 30,000 foot-level strategy and the right mix of tactics to drive sales and increase market share. Morris Roberts is well-versed in all of them, and knows how to put it all together to heighten your brand awareness and pave the way for sales and profitability.

Before any work is done, you need a plan, a budget and guidance by professionals. But make no mistake, the most important tactic of all is your website. What happens if you use advertising, direct marketing and social media to drive traffic to your website, and the site doesn't convey the right message, contain adequate information or make it easy for people to buy your product? Not good.

So after we work with you to determine your audience and the right media mix to reach them, we'd like to take a look at your website. Once your site is positioned for sales rather than sales prevention, we'll propose any and all vehicles that will help drive traffic to your site and keep them coming back. The arsenal of advertising tools at your disposal with Morris Roberts is limited only by their relevance to your situation. They include:

  • TV and Radio Advertising
  • Magazine and Newspaper Advertising
  • Brochures and other Essential Sales Tools
  • Digital Advertising
  • Social Media (including management and advertising on appropriate platforms)
  • Google Adwords
  • Direct Marketing
  • Public Relations and Special Programs

We will be happy to discuss your situation and make recommendations on which of these tools you should deploy.