Why Morris Roberts

Why should you use Morris Roberts to handle your advertising and marketing needs, as opposed to other options at your disposal? Because our principals understand your requirements, they're on the same page, and have learned their craft out of necessity. In their own words, Rex is the idea guy, and John is the executor.

John Morris and Rex Roberts founded Morris Roberts because they wanted to combine their experiences and talents to provide a service to companies looking for fresh ideas and the expertise to put them into practice.

John Morris

If you want to know what learning by doing looks like, look no further than John Morris. Originally a world-class surfer, he was instrumental in the creation of the advertising department at publicly held surfwear brand once (Quiksilver) his competitive surfing days were over.

Understaffed and with deadlines constantly looming, John had no choice but to learn all aspects of the advertising business, from media buying, to traffic cooridnation to website development and creative execution of all projects. He grew the advertising department from 4 to 27 people, and every person he hired would perform a function he originally did himself (and still does in a pinch). The eclectic skill set he acquired would shape his ability to assemble effective creative teams, and how to best use either available software platforms or assemble teams to develop proprietary software solutions to drive sales to a myriad of vertical markets.

Later, John moved to another ad agency, where he became a software developer and web designer. He built CRM tools, e-commerce and other software packages, and wrote his own code. He developed numerous websites, and learned the value of well-crafted copy in search engine optimization and helping people obtain the information they need to make informed buying decisions.

John's broad-based skill set, campaign management experience and willingness to get his hands dirty have translated perfectly into the start-up world he has frequently lived in for the past several years. And through Morris Roberts, he is able to effectively channel his entrepreneurial spirit into success for his diverse range of clients.

Rex Roberts

As with John Morris, necessity has been the mother of invention for Rex Roberts as his career has progressed. Rex is the driving force behind Morris Roberts gaining a foothold in the automotive marketplace. Rex has been employed in the automotive industry for most of his career.

When he was just getting started, he took a sales position selling advertising to car dealerships. By selling and successfully implementing direct mail and digital advertising campaigns, Rex was able to work his way up from his entry-level position to director.

His success at his first position enabled him to join a start-up car dealership, and that's where he firmly established himself as automotive marketing expert. Joining forces with seven other like-minded entrepreneurs, Rex was named director of sales. During his six years in this role, he helped the company expand from the original eight to more than 70 employees, with annual sales reaching $15-20 million.

Blessed with a seemingly limitless flow of ideas and strategies and the proven ability to sell, Rex is the perfect complement to the practical know-how of John Morris. We look forward to combining our talented team with yours to deliver results that far exceed your expectations.